Employer news

Demystifying traineeships – Part 1

Just like apprenticeships, traineeships consist of structured on-the-job and off-the-job training, however they differ in that they tend to cover a broader cross-section of industry which can be applied to both blue and white collar industries.

10 Jan 2012 Employer news, Recruitment, Updates

Skilling Australia

The apprenticeship and traineeship system plays a crucial role in building Australia's skills base. Better skilled workers have better job prospects which makes the economy more productive.

03 Dec 2009 Employer news, News, Updates

Slip, slop, slap

The bad news: Every year more than 10,000 Australians are treated for melanoma and 1250 of these people die. Outdoor workers have a higher chance of being one of these statistics.

07 Nov 2009 Employer news, Updates, WH&S

Why employ an apprentice?

At 1300apprentice we take all the hassle and risk out of employing an apprentice or trainee because we employ them on your behalf. It’s risk-free and leaves you to continue growing your business.

03 Nov 2009 Employer news, Updates