Job seekers

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Personalised career information to get your apprenticeship up and running.

Automotive pre-apprenticeship success

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Bronson and Luca start a full-time automotive apprenticeship after completing our pre-apprenticeship in 2023. Read about why a pre-app worked for them.

McBurneys business trainees

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Three business trainees have told their stories on how a business traineeship worked for them.

Benefits To Employers For Hiring A Mature Aged Apprentice

Category: News
Hiring a mature-aged apprentice can be an excellent decision for any company looking for new talent. Not only are mature-aged apprentices often highly committed and have extensive life experience but they also bring a range of valuable skills to the table that can help your business grow and thrive

2022 Federal Budget: How does it impact you?

Category: News
The 2022-23 Federal Budget was released on the 29 March 2022. While every budget is critically important with wide-spreading implications across many industries and systems of support across the country, this year’s budget also comes just before the next federal election.  How does this fede

Engineering Careers You Didn’t Know Existed

Category: News
5 Lesser Known Careers In Engineering Engineering careers you probably didn’t know existed Engineering represents a vast field, one filled with numerous exciting opportunities to problem-solve and create innovative solutions across many industries. There are many well-known and well-charted p

Why Consider a Mature Age Apprenticeship ?

Category: News
As of 2022 – the year of the ‘Great Job Boom’ in Australia, many workers have started to reconsider whether their work is fulfilling enough to stay.  Some are seeking out job opportunities that offer better benefits when it comes to work-life balance. Others seek ways to retrain or u