School-based traineeships

Have you ever considered a school-based traineeship or apprenticeship as an alternative form of recruitment? This allows a student to gain valuable workplace skills and the opportunity to gain a nationally recognised qualification whilst also completing their HSC.

School-based trainees attend school four days a week and attend the workplace one day a week (or more often during school holidays). Over the two years of the HSC, students are required to complete a Vocational Education & Training (nationally recognised) qualification) which has also been endorsed by the Board of Studies.

School-based traineeships suit students who want to continue with their schooling but who are also looking for an opportunity to gain workplace skills, formal qualifications and the hope of a full-time job once they have completed their HSC and their traineeship. It is a great program and offers real career progression for our younger students.

1300apprentice has been working closely with the ANZ and NAB banks with their Indigenous School-Based Traineeship Program. We have had 23 new school-based trainees commencing the program with these banks starting late last year, who we would like to warmly welcome to 1300apprentice. We are looking forward to watching their progress over the next two years.

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