Success story – Taneka Lewis, completion of Certificate IV Business

Taneka Lewis came to us straight out of year 12 and began her Business Certificate III traineeship with RSM Bird Cameron – a national accounting firm located in Sydney CBD.

After flying through her Certificate III Taneka was early completed and continued her studies under the traineeship with 1300apprentice into a Certificate IV Business where she also completed early

Upon completion, Taneka was offered a full-time position with her host and very quickly promoted into a PA role to a Partner, one of the youngest PA’s in the history of RSM Bird Cameron!

Throughout Taneka’s traineeship she took every opportunity to improve her skillset and used the Traineeship pathway to build her career; 

“I really enjoyed the study and felt that the course I had completed would be of benefit to me in the long term, no matter what path my career took.”

“I formed the view early in my traineeship that development isn’t restricted to training.  It is anything that helps a person grow in ability, skills, confidence, commitment, initiative, understanding and motivations.”

During 2012 Taneka took on the additional responsibility of being the PA to all three Partners in the Turnaround & Insolvency division. Taneka is now completing a Diploma in Business and is also mentoring a new trainee who has recently started with RSM Bird Cameron.

Taneka has just been nominated for the State Training Services NSW Trainee of the year.  1300apprentice and RSM Bird Cameron would like to wish her good luck and congratulations on all her achievements and successes in the past 2 years.

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