School careers talk with senior students
Ask Chad to present to your year 12 students. Contact us!
“My students and I really enjoyed your presentation, I will be booking you every year for talk to my students!!
You’re the best!” Galston High School, Careers Advisor
“Thank you for your polished and Informative presentation to our year 12 today Chad!
You opened their eyes to pathways and a variety of apprenticeships and traineeships that normally would not have considered.
You engaged year 12 with ease and always held their attention with your vast array of knowledge and tips for job seeking.
It is so important for our students to be exposed to the employment sector and I’m sure you managed to help some of my students with a better idea of their future career direction!”.
What’s next?
Revisit Chad’s presentation below.
What are your options as a Job seeker?
Explore the support & FAQs and job expo page with your parents or carer.
If you know what you want to do, head directly to each vocation from the apprenticeship or traineeship pages.
We’re here to help you find your passion, ask us how.
school presentation video by 1300apprentice