Recruitment – What we really want

When recruiting for an apprenticeship or traineeship role, it’s not necessary for a potential candidate to have practical experience. At 1300apprentice there are a couple of things we look for when selecting candidates to put forward to our hosts.

When we screen and interview candidates, we look closely at their attitude towards work, study and the people around them. Key information we look at includes how the candidate is presented, their resume, school reports and references from people who know them so that we can make the most informed decision when putting a candidate forward to a host.

We look for evidence that the candidate genuinely wants to complete the apprenticeship or traineeship they are applying for. In the case of Carpentry, having taken wood technology, design & technology or a similar course in high school indicates to us that they genuinely want to become a Carpenter.

Other things we look for is the level of detail you have put into the application. A resume with an in-depth list of their experience, some information about what they studied at school, sporting achievements (this demonstrates you they can commit to something) that has no spelling or grammatical mistakes look much better than a resume that is one page long with a phone number, one previous employer and no references. 

We also recommend writing a Cover Letter as this gives the candidate a chance to introduce them self to a potential employer and provide insight on why they’re applying for the position. This is of particular importance when applying for an apprenticeship or traineeship as their resume may not have that much in it yet, so conveying why they’re applying for the position is vital. A Cover Letter tailored for each application is the best way to do this.

When a candidate makes it beyond a phone screening session, it is important they don’t let themselves down by attending our interview in baggy jeans, trackies, a hoodie, or sunglasses on your head etc. Each candidate is given some help via email before the interview to help them make the best choice about the first impression they are going to give a potential host.

If the candidate believes they do not have any clothes they consider acceptable for the interview and can’t arrange to get any before the interview, they are advised to let the interviewer know prior to the interview. By letting our recruiters know their situation we know that they do care about the job and can access you based on other qualities. 

Knowledge of Apprenticeship or Traineeship
Successful Candidates applies for apprenticeships or traineeships that they are genuinely interested in. Candidates who are interested in a career choice always have a better chance of completing what they have started. With this in mind, candidates are encouraged to do some research on the apprenticeship or traineeship they’re applying for so that they are prepared to answer questions during an interview. During the interview by one of our recruiters, the candidate will be asked about the apprenticeship or traineeship they have applied for. The recruiter is looking for the candidate’s ability to provide in-depth answers on the tasks involved, the duration of the training contract, an idea of how much they will be paid and the study involved. All of this information can be found online and there are links at the end of this blog to websites where you can find all of the relevant information. Candidates should not be afraid to ask questions, as we will be glad to answer any questions.

Once up to speed, visit the job search page of our website and put it all in place by applying for one of our jobs or register your interest at

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call us on 1300 277 736 or by sending an email to

Informative Links:
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