Celebrating 35 years

Each of us at 1300apprentice are incredibly proud to have contributed to this 35 year milestone.

Originally established as Bankstown Group Retail Scheme to support the retention of apprentice’s employed by companies unable to guarantee work for the duration of the apprenticeship, 1300apprentice still actively supports host employers through rotations, employee relations, recruitment, out of trade apprentices, payroll, TAFE enrolments and more.

The commitment from our host employers, trainees, apprentices and 1300apprentice employees over the past 35 years has made all of this possible.

  • 2000+ apprentices and trainees have commenced their apprenticeship or traineeship with 1300apprentice since 1985
  • 15% of these commencements were of an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background
  • 10 x HRD awards won

What do you remember about 1985?

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