Social media policy reminder

Social Media has been a hot topic over the past 5 years and has grown to become a part of everyday life for many. 1300apprentice has several social media accounts including facebook, twitter, our blog and our eNewsletter.

At 1300apprentice we enjoy communicating with our facebook friends, twitter followers and followers of our blog and eNewsletter, but there a couple of guidelines that we have in place for 1300apprentice employees in relation to the discussion of topics involving employees and host employers.

If you are a 1300apprentice employee or host employer, please take the time to read through our social media policy so that you are aware of what 1300apprentice classifies as the misuse of social media in relation to our organisation, and the steps that will be taken if the policy is breached.

Below is a basic outline of the best practices for the use of social media to prevent any disciplinary action: 

  • Be respectful – do not post any material that is, or may be considered obscene, defamatory, profane, libellous, threatening, abusive or embarrassing to another person
  • Abide by the law and respect copyright laws – ensure written permission is in place to use or reproduce any copyrighted text, photo’s, graphics, logo’s, trademarks or other material owned by others
  • Take responsibility – the person posting the comments can and will be personally liable for any derogatory comments using social media

Note this policy does not apply to personal use of social media platforms where there is no reference to 1300apprentice or host employer-related issues. 

For future reference, our social media policy is permanently located under the resources tab on our website.

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