Tax time! See the apprentice resource kit
If you’re an apprentice it pays to learn what you can claim
You can use the myDeductions tool* in the ATO app to keep track of your expenses and receipts throughout the year. Search your app store to download the app by Australian Taxation Office.
Do you know what you can and can’t claim during tax time?
Lodging your tax return is easy with the ATO’s work-related expenses guide for apprentices.
When completing your tax return, you may be able to claim deductions for some work-related expenses.
To claim a work-related deduction:
- you must have spent the money yourself and weren’t reimbursed
- it must directly relate to earning your income
- you must have a record to prove it.*
If the expense was for both work and private purposes, you can only claim the work‑related portion of an expense. You can’t claim a deduction for any part of an expense that does not directly relate to earning your income. Common deductions for apprentices can include:
- car expenses
- clothing and laundry including footwear
- tools and equipment expenses.
Remember to report all income in your tax return and remove any portion of your expense that is not work-related. If you’re not sure speak to a registered tax professional.
For more information, or to download the PDF guides available for specific occupations, visit…/Apprentices or click on this image to go directly to the Apprentice PDF.