WH&S – working at heights, what you need to know

Even when you feel safe and in control you will need to adopt some smart habits so you are safe every time you get two feet off the ground.

To control risks, the employer must provide and maintain the following measures:

  • Stable and securely fenced work platforms; or, if this is not reasonably practicable
  • Secure perimeter screens, fencing, handrails; or other physical barriers capable of preventing falls or, if this is not reasonably practicable
  • Other forms of physical restraint that are capable of arresting a fall from a height of more than two metres; or, if this is not reasonably practicable
  • Provision of a safe means of movement between different levels at the place of work.
  • The Regulation discusses provision and maintenance of physical restraints that are capable of arresting the fall of a person from a height of more than two metres. However, this is only if it is not reasonably practicable to provide control measures such as a scaffold, perimeter screens, fencing or handrails.

What does all of this mean to you? 

1300apprentices: If you are working above 2 meters YOU ARE working at heights. You, the host employer and all staff need to ensure that the above restraints are undertaken. At the very least your Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should consist of a falls arrestor harness. 

1300pprentice host employers: 

1300apprentice provide all PPE required for apprentices except for falls arrestors which are not included as this equipment is site-specific. This is the responsibility of the host employer. If you require any further information on Working from Heights please contact 1300apprentice WH&S Manager.

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