Categories and Criteria

Safe Work Practices Award

The Safe Practices Award is presented to an apprentice or trainee who has been outstanding in promoting safe practices in the workplace. It aims to recognise apprentices who not only prioritise their own safety but also contribute to creating a safe and healthy work environment for their colleagues.

You will demonstrate the following:

  • Wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Using equipment correctly
  • Adhering to safety guidelines and regulations
  • Take proactive steps to identify and mitigate potential hazards in the workplace such as reporting unsafe conditions, participating in toolbox talks, and suggesting improvements to safety protocols
  • Show a commitment to promoting a safety culture by leading by example
  • Attend relevant training sessions
  • Displaying a positive attitude towards safety, and encouraging others to prioritise safety in the workplace


Open to all active apprentices and trainees of 1300apprentice, view eligibility here.

Prize money awarded to the winner.

Learn more about how to apply.

First Nations apprentice or trainee of the year

The First Nations apprentice or trainee of the year award is presented to those First Nations who not only excel in their chosen field but also demonstrate a strong commitment to their community, cultural awareness and personal development.

You will demonstrate the following:

  • A strong work ethic, reliability and professionalism
  • Progress in developing new skills and knowledge in your chosen field
  • Engagement with the community such as volunteering, participating in cultural events or contributing to community initiatives
  • Commitment to personal and professional growth through ongoing learning and skill development


Open to all active apprentices and trainees of 1300apprentice who identify as First Nations
View eligibility here.

Prize money awarded to the winner.

Learn more about how to apply.

Women in Trades Award

The Women in a Non-traditional Apprenticeship Award is presented to those women in trade who actively work to create a more inclusive and equitable environment for women in industry.

You will demonstrate the following:

  • Demonstrate proficiency and excellence in your chosen field including technical expertise, problem-solving, and innovation
  • Demonstrate resilience and determination in overcoming obstacles you may have faced
  • Pursuit of continuous professional development to enhance skills and advance career prospects
  • Adhering to safety standards by ensuring compliance with industry regulations and best practices.


Open to all Women in Non-traditional trade apprentices of 1300apprentice
View eligibility here.

Prize money awarded to the winner.

Learn more about how to apply.

School-based apprentice or trainee of the year

The School-based Apprentice or Trainee of the Year Award is presented to those school-based employees who demonstrate high achievements in vocational training and schooling.

You will demonstrate the following:

  • Commitment to schooling and your school-based apprenticeship/traineeship balancing out the demands of school and work
  • Showing significant progress in acquiring new skills and competencies on the job
  • Meeting or exceeding job expectations and contributing positively to the organisation
  • Demonstrating initiative to seek out learning opportunities
  • Making a positive impact on schooling and the workplace


Open to current School-based apprentices or trainees of 1300apprentice
View eligibility here.

Note: The terminology apprentice/trainee is used interchangeably in this category

Prize money awarded to the winner.

Learn more about how to apply.

Rising star of the year

The Rising Star of the Year Award is presented to those apprentices from first to third year who have made impressive advancement in their chosen field.

You will demonstrate the following:

  • On and off the job achievements in your chosen field
  • Skill development such as showing significant progress in acquiring new skills and competencies in your chosen field
  • Consistently performing at a high level in the workplace, meeting or exceeding job expectations and contributing positively to the organisation
  • Showing initiative to learn new skills
  • Commitment to learning such as evidence of participation in training programs, toolbox talks and alike
  • Upholding a high standards of safety in the workplace
  • Overcoming challenges


Open to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year apprentices. View eligibility here.

Prize money awarded to the winner.

Learn more about how to apply.

Adult apprentice of the year

The Adult apprentice of the year award is presented to those adult apprentices who have successfully transitioned into a new career path through an apprenticeship pathway.

You will demonstrate the following:

  • Significant progress and proficiency in acquiring new skills and competencies in your chosen field
  • Consistently performing at a high level in the workplace, meeting or exceeding job expectations and contributing positively to the organisation
  • Demonstrating ability to adapt to new work environments, tasks and challenges and maintaining a positive attitude
  • Supporting other apprentices or junior colleagues by providing guidance, support and encouragement to help them succeed in their careers
  • Demonstrating personal growth and development including confidence and leadership abilities.


Open to apprentices who commenced their apprenticeship when they were +21 years old.
Open to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year apprentices. View eligibility here.

Prize money awarded to the winner.

Learn more about how to apply.

Trainee of the year

The Trainee of the year award is presented to those trainees who have demonstrated exceptional performance, growth and commitment during their traineeships, setting a positive example for their peers and making a significant contribution to their workplace.

You will demonstrate the following:

  • Outstanding performance and achievement in your chosen field
  • Ability to demonstrate initiative including acquiring new skills and applying your knowledge to your role
  • Demonstrate strong interpersonal skills
  • Special projects you may have worked on during your traineeship
  • Commitment to keeping on track with your RTO studies


View eligibility here.

Prize money awarded to the winner.

Learn more about how to apply.

Apprentice of the year

The Apprentice of the year award is presented to those apprentices who have demonstrated exceptional performance, growth and commitment during their apprenticeship, setting a positive example for their peers and making a significant contribution to their workplace.

You will demonstrate the following:

  • Outstanding performance and achievement in your chosen field
  • Ability to demonstrate initiative including acquiring new skills and applying your knowledge to your role
  • Demonstrate strong interpersonal skills
  • Special projects you may have worked on during your apprenticeship
  • Commitment to keeping on track with your TAFE studies


Open to apprentices who are in the final year of their apprenticeship in 2024.
View eligibility here.

Prize money awarded to the winner.

Learn more about how to apply.