Stats on In-Demand Jobs in Australia
Our most popular jobs for 2023/24 are also some of the most in-demand jobs in Australia, currently and projected to 2026.
If youβre looking to start a career, the opportunities for sustainable roles in Australia are abundant β weβre in a job seekerβs market with many types of jobs in demand.
Take a look at the statistics: New report demonstrates positive outcomes for VET students
Key findings: The report demonstrates that completing a VET course has the potential to change lives for the better; increasing employment opportunities, preparing students for the workforce of the future, and paving the way for ongoing learning.
VET National Data Asset (VNDA)
This publication is designed to give people insights into the Australian labour market to help guide their career pathway to lifelong learning through an vocational education, like an apprenticeship or traineeship.
Apprenticeships & traineeships jobs in demand
See our popular jobs for 2023/24 that are related to the training pathways we offer through our apprenticeships and traineeships.
Please note that in-demand roles do not necessarily always translate to a higher income. Remuneration also depends on factors such as experience, skillset, company, and industry as well as location.
Find a job
If youβre looking for new career let us know. No matter your skill set, there is a role amongst the different jobs in-demand that should be just the right fit for you.
Our mission at 1300apprentice is to help you find the right training and employment through an apprenticeship that leads into sustainable, and evolving careers. Ask us how today.