Trade spotlight – Business trainee, Sarah Felettigh

Category: News
It’s always a good sign when a host employer believes in their trainee or apprentice so much that they wish to invest in their future. This trade spotlight shines on the trainee, Sarah Felettigh. Though traineeships span many job types, Sarah’s traineeship represents the classic adminis

Trade spotlight – Aimee Lefevre

Category: News
The buzz employers get with the achievements of their young apprentices and trainees is always inspiring. We thought we would share with you an email one of our host employers circulated nationally to their offices.

School based trainee – Alome Simpson

Category: News
This month we are trade spotlighting Aloma Simpson from Narrandera High School who is a school-based trainee and part of ANZ’s Indigenous School-Based Traineeship Program.

Skilling Australia

Category: News
The apprenticeship and traineeship system plays a crucial role in building Australia's skills base. Better skilled workers have better job prospects which makes the economy more productive.
Government News